Lil Aiden, born in Sabadell (Barcelona), opens up her most intimate side by returning to rap in an eclectic way, but with a notable influence of Old School. With references such as Currency, Mac Miller, Rafael Lechowsky or Little Simz, she always looks for sounds that fit the feeling of the situation she narrates. Sometimes very explicit and sometimes very metaphorical, but always intense; and with very varied inputs and with a lot to say, Lil Aiden presents his rawest and purest side.
SUBNRMAL' was his presentation letter, which allowed us to get to know a Lil Aiden that nobody knew before. A debate between who makes music from the heart, and who makes it to build an identity.
Next, he presented us with 'CUCAS', a rap that narrates the most unstable and darkest part of the personality. Now, Lil Aiden delivers a new preview with 'Maliko', a reminder of the state of euphoria that the artist would always want to be in: an expression of emotional neutrality that allows us to not magnify all the good, or the bad.
Maliko' is the third single from rapper Lil Aiden, one of the MC's with the most flow and projection on the scene!